Sunday, September 26, 2010

Wii Reflection: The Conduit.

I was wondering if I should give a review of The Conduit for the Wii..

You don't want to see that? Oh.. Ok..

And they all lived happily ever aft.. Wait. No.. NO! I must! I have to.. For the sake of my own well being.

A short synopsis of the game where I draw parallels to one of my favorite games. (Oh you'll see which one).

This game is average at best at story, graphics are good for a Wii title, but the thing that ticks me off, is the ending. And I will make it clear why....

So.. You play as Agent Ford, where you wake up in the middle of the game. As a player, you're thinking: What the fuck's going? Well, to explain this the game jumps to five days earlier. Where this mysterious Adams tells you to stop a terrorist called Prometheus, and get a hold of a device called The All Seeing Eye, known from now on as the ASE.

In short, you chase him. But suddenly the ones who are supposed to be your allies are attacking you. Adams suspects Prometheus for using a device that turns them against you, making it more difficult for you to get to him.

You find the ASE, but not Prometheus. Adams turns on you, revealing that HE is actually the bad guy (Master Miller anybody? Although that was done better). Now Prometheus is suddenly on your side, and the hero not looking a gift horse in the mouth accepts it. After this, you and Prometheus chase after The Trust the whole of the game. You fight Trust soldiers, aliens, bigger aliens and invisible aliens. There are a few bosses, and they aren't too difficult either. The bosses are very few, and some of the levels can become long and quite tedious at times. Shoot this, shoot that, use the ASE on this. At one point I was grinding my teeth at the long ass levels, and it felt I wasn't making any progress.

When you finally find the Trust headquarters, it's just fighting more foot soldiers. Just more than before. Sure, I understand that they've secured the headquarters, but that's just it. Where are the big guns? Were they wasted to the city where the hero takes them easily down by using simple tactics? I. e. Shoot and duck behind the corner. Now you see Adams, and you think: "Finally, I'm going to get my hands on this piece of hippo manure, and wipe the smug look off his face.". Actually, you don't know if he has a smug look on his face, but the voice implies that he has. And you chase him through the whole Trust headquarters. I'm serious, he taunts you on the beginning of every level in the T*HQ (Holy crap! I just realized that! Trust Headquarters! THQ - evil conspirators?). And you will feel more and more annoyed that he keeps getting away, by sending hoards of enemies your way.

You finally find Prometheus, after fighting almost every type of enemy. And Prometheus is an alien. Uhm? Okay? And the aliens you fight are his clones.

I'll let it sink in for a while.

He tells you you're close of getting to Adams. So you chase him to a room where the are buckets of enemies again. Shoot, duck, recover health and all those useful tactics you learned in the previous levels. And finally you stand in front of a BIG ass conduit(a portal, to those who don't know what a Conduit is). You think: "I'm gonna kick your ass now, even if you might be weilding a big ass machine that could devour the moon.". Then there is a cutscene where you ask what's happening to you. "You're leaving Earth". And now we figure out that Adams is an alien as well, and that they're here to take over the Earth, now that Prometheus is dead. (Oh I forgot to tell you that Prometheus tells you to kill him, but he uploaded his persona on the ASE... Uh.. Don't ask..).

The End..

Here's where they go wrong.. Or maybe not wrong, but.. I hated it. I hated the ending of this game!! Why would they sequel bait?? Why??

Fine, Metal Gear Solid sequel baits in a cutscene after you've beat it. But at least in Metal Gear Solid you had to fight the Metal Gear REX, AND fight Liquid Snake!

In The Conduit, there is no END-GAME fight. There is no satisfaction for chasing this smug bastard around the whole headquarters listening to him taunt you. They could've made it out to that there was another besides Adams, but they didn't. They had to sequel bait. "Stay tuned for the next installment of The Conduit to see the exciting conclusion".

I expect that Conduit 2 will be one big boss battle! The whole game should consist merely of you fighting big ass aliens that takes an hour to kill each! Since we didn't have much of that in the first one. Will I buy the sequel? I might.. I might not. I might have taken the bait already. Mostly because the online multiplayer is quite enjoyable, and I would love to see what they will do with it.

After considering it, I probably will be stupid enough to buy the sequel..

I feel cheap..

Do you have a game that had an ending that upset you? Leave a comment!

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