But enough about that, let's get down to business.
I asked a friend of mine to buy me something when she's going over the border to Finland. Mostly Mountain Dew and Smurf soda, since we can't get it here (Not sure if Norway has stopped producing these, but at least here where I live I haven't found them.). And then I added "Why don't you buy me a soda I've never tasted before?".
And lo and behold:

The green bottle is called "Heyisaurus" and the pink one... I think you guys can see what it is... It's... "Hello Kitty" soda!
I told a friend of mine that today I was going to taste a "Hello Kitty" soda, and he laughed... Hard... Why?? What's wrong with "Hello Kitty"? Yes, you may post your answers on the comment..
So.. I'm going to do a Yawret tastes in writing form. If you like to see someone who's more hilarious and more professional, you can always check out Brad Tries or LordKaT Eats.
So, I've gathered a testpanel here. Me, Elan and Maiken.
HeyiSaurus, let's see how good you are. The bottle is green. and kinda cool. But let's see how it looks like outside of the bottle.
It smells like pear, and I happen to like pear.
Maiken doesn't think it's "wow!", well... neither do I, since WOW is an MMO and not a soda. Zing?
Elan thought it reminds her of the green Smurf soda, except that this one is less carbonated and more rich in taste.
Me.. It's all about me.. Whoopie (Not Goldberg). Well... It's actually pretty good, but there's this weird taste I can't describe. I think it tastes like a little like carbonated water..
So.. All in all, it's drinkable. Maybe even tastier with vodka, but we aren't going to try that... It's sunday.
Number two: Here's the big one!!! The HELLO KITTY Soda! Who's getting excited?? I am!
So this is how it looks like out of the bottle.
Elan calls it raspberry drink that's carbonated. And not very good in her opinion, except the after taste. She changed her mind after a couple of more gulps.
Maiken says it foams in her mouth. I'll quote her directly: "Ugh! Fucking gross!". Nuff said.
I was smart enough to wait until they tested it, so now I know what to expect. Ok... Here we go.. I am not looking forward to this. Especially, when I see my testmates making faces. And being generally grossed out. Time to test this out... Wish me luck..
It smells very fruity. It reminds me of Fun Light.Raspberry mix or something, and I don't think the Fun Light tastes good, but maybe this will chang my mind? No.. It didn't... It tastes like.. Watered down Fun Light with a lot of carbonation. There's a strange layer on my tongue. Is it sugar? Is it carbonation? What the hell is it? This is not a drink I'd give to kids.
I think I'll do the same thing Elan did... I'll wash this down with a better soda. HeyiSaurus wins! Hello Kitty loses.. And loses big.
Until next time, folks.. Take it easy, and remember.. Patience is a virtue, although you won't have to wait too long now..
Hey man! Stop drinking piss! Nothing beats coca cola. Once you go black, you never go back!
ReplyDeleteBut those who know how to think, always go with pink. :P