Thursday, October 28, 2010

A Double No Never, or 007?

Well. This is a difficult subject to touch. Which is probably why I have had such a hard time writing about it. Who remembers the times when multiplayer meant that you and your friends would gather around a couch to play together, and not like it is today. If I’m at a friends’ place and he asks if I want to play multiplayer, I’d say: “Yeah, I’ll go home and log on, and it’s on!”

Well, now it’s coming back! With the Remake of the old Nintendo 64 classic Goldeneye, and it is coming to the Wii. Woops! I meant Re-Imagining.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

A praised oddity - The Re-View

I am really not looking forward to this.. I know I have to do this, but I keep stalling. Maybe now is a good time to start playing one of those facebook games! Maybe not. I’m afraid when I start looking at this, this will happen:

Anyways.. The show must go on. Let’s push play..

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A praised oddity - Initial Viewing

There’s a movie that has gotten a lot of praise, which is mystifying to me. Honestly, it isn’t really that good in my opinion. This movie.. It sucks.

2001: A Space Odyssey, is a movie that just makes me shudder.

I shall do this one in two parts, In the first part I will recap as well as I can how I felt during and after my initial viewing of this “epic”. In the second part, I will review this one, just for you guys.. Okay, I have to see if I’ve changed my mind about it and let’s see if I’ll be more lenient on the movie.

For now, let me try to recap as well as my memory serves me.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Comment section revised.

Earlier, my comment section has only been available to those with a certain account. I wasn't aware of this until a friend of mine said that it was really difficult to place a comment. I apologize, and now it's available for everyone!

Now you can comment on any entry you like!

Have fun! Go mad! Let the flaming begin!!

And yes, I know it's been a while since my last entry.. Don't worry.. It's coming!

Friday, October 8, 2010

That Little Sting One Feels

This was going to be my original entry before I heard about Star Wars in 3D. I still cringe of the thought, but I will get through this without it polluting this entry too much.

I am a proud owner of a Nintendo Wii (Yes, I dare to admit it AND have pride in it.). Although a lot of reviewers keep pointing out the sometimes lack of precision in the Wii Remote, bad graphics and childish games. I think there are a lot of great games to the Wii. The Resident Evil Archives and Chronicles, House of the Dead Overkill, MadWorld, Manhunt 2, The Godfather - Blackhand Edition, Metroid Prime Trilogy, Super Mario Galaxy, New Super Mario Bros. and as you see I can go on and on. I could probably list almost every dang game I own, except for Eledees a.k.a. Elebits and GT Sport something.. I don't even care enough to remember the title of it.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Too Many Spices Ruins The Taste.

This wasn't the intended entry I was going to write, but this just needs to be discussed..

Here the other day, my cousin and I were driving around. The radio was just murring in the background. He was about to drop me off, when we suddenly hear: "George Lucas has just announced that he wants to make the Star Wars Saga in 3D". We looked at eachother, and we really didn't know how to react first. Shock, horror, anger and anguish. I think we went through all the emotions we have in our register.