Thursday, September 30, 2010

Wii Reflection: Eledees AKA Elebits

Hey folks!

In this article I will talk about a game that litterally annoyed me away from it, and I do not understand how I could spend money on it.

Eledees, or Elebits if you're not in Europe.

Let me give you the story summary I read in Wikipedia of Eledees/Elebits, so you can understand how I was fooled into buying it.

You're a young boy who's looking for these creatures of energy. You utilize the Wii Remote to pick up and move stuff. Searching for these Eledees/Elebits, by opening drawers, moving chairs. Here's where I thought: "Cool!. I would love it!". But, alas. That is where I would go completely wrong. But, in my defense, the wiki article alone wasn't in on fooling me to buy it. IGN gave it a 8.3.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Wii Reflection: The Conduit.

I was wondering if I should give a review of The Conduit for the Wii..

You don't want to see that? Oh.. Ok..

And they all lived happily ever aft.. Wait. No.. NO! I must! I have to.. For the sake of my own well being.

A short synopsis of the game where I draw parallels to one of my favorite games. (Oh you'll see which one).

This game is average at best at story, graphics are good for a Wii title, but the thing that ticks me off, is the ending. And I will make it clear why....

Monday, September 20, 2010

A Moronic Marvel.

So.. For a few months ago, I was inspired by Linkara and his show Atop the Fourth Wall, to buy a comic book. So to my surprise, the store where I usually shop, are selling Marvel special albums.

They are published by Schibsted publishing here in Norway. And I decided to buy it, it was a Wolverine Special. On the front cover it says "Logan den Eldre", which translates to Logan the Older. Like there is a Logan the Younger. And it also says "comics for adults". So in the second page we see that the special is take from "Wolverine Old Man Logan #66 - #72." and the Old Man Logan Giant Sized Special.

Now.. To the story.. (I need a moment here to compose myself for the torture, because I thought that it's a good idea to read while I write this entry).

Friday, September 17, 2010

Wrestling.. What happened to you?

Okay.. It's 05:53 a. m. and I should be sleeping now. But I made a mistake.. A BIG mistake!

I went to my usual chatroom and stream, and I heard the host of the stream saying that he is confused by TNA. And now I'm going to confuse the readers by jumping back to monday.

I was in the said chatroom and stream, again.. And the people in the stream were skipping between Monday Night Football and WWE RAW, and since I am a Norwegian who knows diddly squat about football, and more about wrestling, the mentioning of Raw peaked my interest.